Theatrescapes. Mapping Global Theatre Histories

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Dr. Gero Tögl

Dr. Gero Tögl


Born 1984 in Graz/Austria, Gero Toegl studied Dramaturgy, Communication Studies, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at Ludwig-Maximilians-University from which he graduated in July 2009. From September 2006 to July 2007 he visited King’s College London as a Socrates/Erasmus-student. Gero Toegl has worked for Pathos Transport Theatre Munich since 2004 as a Dramaturg, Assistant Director and Director and completed internships at Schauspielhaus Graz and Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel. He has been working for the GTH project since April 2010. He is member of the editorial office of the Journal of Global Theatre History (GTHJ). His research interests concern theatre history in the context of media theory, Actor-Network-Theory, Computer Game Studies, and the institutional history of the Bayreuth Festival. He received his PhD in January 2015 for his monograph on The Bayreuth Enterprise (forthcoming). 

Research Project

The Bayreuth Enterprise. 1848-1914.